Makassar Basarnas Personnel Still Looking For 2 Missing People Due To Landslides In Toraja

Makassar Basarnas personnel who are members of the Joint SAR team are still looking for two victims who were declared missing after the landslide disaster in RT Palangka, Makale District, Tana Toraja Regency, South Sulawesi Province."From the temporary report of the Joint SAR Team in the field, two people have not been found and are still being searched," said Makassar Basarnas Head Mexianus Bekabel when confirmed in Makassar, Antara, Sunday, April 14.The two missing victims have been reported by their families, allegedly still buried by soil material after the incident on Saturday, April 13, 2024, at around 23.30 WITA.As for conditions in the field, previously there were problems with road access being buried so that the team from Basarnas in Tana Toraja had difficulty getting to the avalanche point.In addition, the weather and soil conditions are still unstable so the Joint SAR team is aware of the situation when searching for the two residents.So far, the two residents who have not been found are at the landslide point in the Palangka area, Makale District.For this reason, the Joint SAR Team is focused on conducting searches at that point. The team previously in South Makale will join the team in Palangka to continue the search."Currently, two people who have not been found are in Palangka, therefore the Joint SAR Team will focus on the area. We from Basarnas will add personnel strength from Makassar to move to Toraja to help with the search," said Mexianus.The landslide disaster occurred in two locations on Saturday (13/4) night, namely in RT Palangka, Makale District, and in Putu Lembang Hamlet, Randan Batu, South Maale District, Tana Toraja Regency. The total number of victims who died in two locations was 18 people, four survivors, and two people are still being searched.Based on the data, it was recorded that the most victims in RT Palangka, Manggau Village, Makale District, died, two survived, but were injured and two victims are still being searched.The victims who died were Dala, a 40-year-old male, Bertha Bine, a 35-year-old woman, a five-year-old daughter, Weno, a two-year-old male, Wiris alias Dado, a six-year-old male.Furthermore, Marcel Oda, male aged 16, Agustinus Tungga, male 20 years, Mala, male aged 60 years, Baru, male aged 40 years, Endi, male aged 15, Matthew Kottong, male aged 35 years, Aco, male aged 37 years, Mase, male aged 38 years, and Jimmy, male aged 27.Meanwhile, in Putu Hamlet, RT Bekak, Lembang Randan Batu, South Makale District, the disaster occurred on Saturday, April 13, 2023 at around 23.00 WITA. The victims who were hit by landslide material as many as four people died, Indo Luka, Ambe Dian, Karopa, and Luar. Meanwhile, the survivors were two people, namely Fitri Rante and Indo Marini."The accident occurred last night and was handled by the Joint SAR Team which was already at the location. We received data in the field, two avalanche points caused residents' houses to be buried. Most in Palangka, Makale 14 people were found dead. Meanwhile, in Putu Hamlet, South Makale until this afternoon four people were evacuated in a state of death," he said.
All victims who have been found were immediately handed over to their families for burial, while the injured victims had been evacuated to the regional hospital for intensive treatment.