Anticipating Backflow, Pertamina Patra Niaga Ensures Availability Of Fuel During Backflow
JAKARTA - Entering the peak period of backflow, Pertamina Patra Niaga continues to prepare itself and monitor the availability of fuel in crucial routes, one of which is by directly checking the Yogyakarta route to the Klaten functional toll access.
Pertamina Patra Niaga Regional Marketing Director, Mars Ega Legowo Putra said the reliability of services during backflow was as important as the last homecoming.
"Seeing the movement during the homecoming flow, we are on standby to ensure that fuel is available to the community. Reflecting on the flow of homecoming, the Klaten functional toll road to Jogjakarta is one of the routes that is widely used by travelers," said Mars Ega, Saturday, April 13.
In the past homecoming period, he continued, there was an increase of about 39 percent for the consumption of gasoline fuel on the Sragen route to Yogyakarta.
In addition to anticipating a surge in fuel consumption, Mars Ega said Pertamina Patra Niaga also alerted 2 Pertamina Delivery Service (PDS) motorists, 1 was at the Banyudono - Boyolali functional gate and 1 was on standby at the exit of Ngawen - Klaten.
There has been a surge in fuel consumption, while on this functional toll road there is no access to gas stations, this is where motorist benefits come. During the last homecoming flow, there were 3 travelers who were assisted by our motorist services," continued Ega.
Mars Ega also checked several rest areas in the Sragen area. According to him, gas stations in border rest areas such as Sragen are very strategic because they are in the middle of backflow travel from various regions in East Java.
"We make sure the stock at the gas station rest area is available, the mobile storage (a standby tank car containing fuel) is also still on standby. We urge travelers to also continue to check their fuel and always try to fill it up when they can fill it up, and if an emergency requires fuel in the middle of the trip, please contact 135," concluded Mars Ega.