Haikal Hasan Appointed As COVID-19 Ambassador. DPR Hoax News, Secretary-General: That's Awkward, Where's There?

JAKARTA - The Secretary-General of the Indonesian House of Representatives (DPR), Indra Iskandar, denied reports of the appointment of Secretary-General Rizieq Shihab Center (HRS Center) Haikal Hassan as an ambassador for COVID-19 prevention in the DPR Republic of Indonesia.

Information on Haikal Hasan's appointment circulated on the Twitter account of a former Democrat, Ferdinand Hutahaean, Thursday, March 4. Ferdinand retweeted this information from his Twitter account, @GabriellosJr.

You can see a poster of Haikal Hasan who will hold Tabligh Akbar with the theme Menjadi Muslim yang Lebih Baik (Becoming a Better Muslim): Attitude of Believers in Facing the COVID-19 Outbreak, Becoming a Better Believer, Disseminating the Prevention of the Spread of COVID-19.

Babeh Haikal, Haikal Hasan's nickname, was appointed as the speaker.

"The DPR has never appointed an ambassador for COVID-19 prevention from the DPR RI!", said Indra to VOI, Thursday night, March 4.

Indra emphasized that his party had never discussed the matter of appointing the DPR RI ambassador for COVID-19. Moreover, the leaders of the DPR RI. In fact, he suspected that even Haikal knew nothing about the poster.

"I do not know the secretary-general, yes, there is an appointment, except on Twitter someone is talking. Either Mrs. or Pak Dasco or who is the other deputy chairman," said Indra.

"Surely it was discussed at the meeting and decided, in my opinion, maybe he (Haikal) also doesn't know anything".

"That's a hoax made by people. Where does the DPR appoint an ambassador for the prevention of COVID-19? It's mistaken", he said.

Indra also appealed not to carelessly on behalf of the Indonesian Parliament. Especially about handling COVID-19. Because he said, his party always conducts evaluations.

"The leader never spoke like that (COVID-19 ambassador, red)", he said.

Based on the information contained in the poster, the Tabligh Akbar event will be held in Langas City and Aceh Tamiang on March 6-7, 2021. Prospective attendees are also asked to prepare their best Infāq.