Washing Is Not Enough, Here Are Tips For Maintaining Hygiene And Reproductive Health For Women

JAKARTA - Hidden areas on the body tend to have high humidity. In order for the female reproductive organs to remain healthy, it is necessary to keep them clean. It is not enough just to wash it every time you shower or urinate, caring for vaginal hygiene and health requires several methods.

The vagina is not only a reproductive organ, in an area that has thousands of nerves, it is also an important part of the body's balance. If there are certain problems in the body, the vagina will also be affected and give certain signals.

For example, the level of acidity or pH of the reproductive organs is not balanced when there is hormonal changes, depression, or stress. That means caring for and maintaining vaginal health is very important.

Do you know what needs to be done? Follow these tips.

Cleaning routine

Every time after urinating and defecating, the vagina needs to be washed with clean water. Cleaning does not require a variety of products, even minimizing the use of special soap or bath soap in the vagina.

When washing, direct water from the vagina towards the anus. This direction is mandatory to avoid bacterial infection of the anus. After washing, dry with a towel or tissue.

Pay attention to natural pH balance

The normal pH or acidity level in the vagina is between 3.8 and 4.5. What needs to be known, products in the form of soap with fragrances and antiseptics can make the natural pH of the vagina unbalanced. That means, using it too often can increase the risk of irritation to infection.

Frequently changing pads during menstruation

Do you wear pads, menstrual cups or tampons when you have your period? Since the monthly cycle affects the hormone levels in a woman's body, it has a big impact on vaginal moisture. If you wear pads, they are closed and more humid than usual.

So, when menstruating and wearing sanitary napkins it is necessary to ensure the humidity of the woman's intimate area. At least, change the pads when they feel wet or change them up to every 6 hours. When changing sanitary napkins, you can use mild and unscented soaps.

Safe sex

Sex is a necessity, for those who are married, practice safe sex! Consider starting from sex poses, obliging to wear safety or condoms to minimize the risk of contracting sexual diseases.

Use safe, non-infectious contraception, such as using lubricated condoms.

It is also important to pay attention to the lubricant or lubricant composition. According to experts, the safest lubricant whose main ingredient is water. Avoid those containing petroleum and glycerin, which make the condom tear easily.

Illustration of wearing underwear (Unsplash / Dainis Graveris)
Wear the right underwear material

Panties made of nylon are not perfect for absorbing sweat. The effect is, the intimate part feels moist and uncomfortable. It is most appropriate to choose cotton underwear, the fibers provide better air circulation.

Cotton underwear also absorbs sweat, which reduces the chance for bacteria to breed. Apart from choosing the right material, wash your underwear regularly. Diligently replace at least every 6 hours or when it feels damp.

Cut pubic hair

Right on the vulva in women who are menstruating, they will grow hair. The hair has many functions, including protecting the vagina from friction, bacteria, dirt and excessive sweating.

However, pubic hairs need to be shaved so that they don't upset the pH balance and lead to infection.

In addition to maintaining vaginal hygiene and health, record your menstrual cycle Why is keeping a record of your menstrual cycle important? This recording is useful for knowing the normal cycle or not.

If you experience irregular cycles and feel unbearable pain when menstruating, get checked out immediately or consult an obstetrician.