Health Workers In Aceh Who Have Been Injected With The Second Dose Of COVID-19 Vaccine 30,337 People

JAKARTA - As many as 30,337 health workers (health workers) in Aceh Province have been injected with the second dose of the COVID-19 vaccine made by Sinovac. This is a government effort so that its citizens get immunity from the corona virus attack.

"Health workers who have completed the second dose of vaccination have reached 30,337 people throughout Aceh," said Aceh COVID-19 Handling Task Force spokesman Saifullah Abdulgani in Banda Aceh, reported by Antara, Thursday, March 4.

The spokesman, who is familiarly called SAG, explained that in general 51,091 health workers in Aceh had undergone the first injection of the COVID-19 vaccine made by Sinovac, or around 90.5 percent.

He said that the Aceh Government started a vaccination program on January 15. For the first stage, the government prioritizes vaccination for health workers, specifically for Aceh the target is to reach 56,470 health workers.

"The progress of this double dose vaccination follows the schedule for each health worker. The second dose is injected after the first dose is injected, ”he said, explaining.

He added that all over Aceh had started injecting vaccines for health workers. In fact, some areas have exceeded 100 percent of the vaccination coverage for the first dose, such as West Aceh, Banda Aceh, Aceh Besar and Langsa City.

"The vaccination progress in Pidie has reached 68.9 percent, but in terms of the lowest percentage in Aceh. "There are 4,102 health workers who have been vaccinated for the first dose in Pidie from 5,953 targeted health workers," he said.

SAG appealed to all health workers registered as recipients of the vaccine made by Sinovac to immediately undergo the injection, so that vaccination for health workers can be completed quickly, so that injections can be continued for public service officers and the general public.

"Health workers who meet the requirements immediately carry out the COVID-19 vaccine, unless medically it still has to be postponed," said SAG.

Until now, he said, the COVID-19 cases in Aceh had reached 9,580 people, along with the addition of 10 new cases per day including four Banda Aceh residents, as well as two Aceh Besar residents, Pidie, and Lhokseumawe residents.

Of the 9,580 cases, 7,848 people have been declared cured, then 1,347 people are still in medical care or independent isolation and 385 cases of patients who died, he said.