Thousands Of Jakarta Narcotics Prison Prisoners Follow Eid Prayers, Some Get Remission

JAKARTA - Thousands of inmates (WBP) or inmates of the Class IIA Jakarta Narcotics Correctional Institution (Lapas) carry out Eid prayers together in the Narcotics Prison field, Jalan Bekasi Timur Raya, Jatinegara District, East Jakarta on Wednesday, April 10, morning.

The Eid prayer was attended by the Expert Staff for Political and Security Affairs of the Ministry of Law and Human Rights (Kemenkumham) RI, Ibnu Chuldun and his staff. Indonesian Ministry of Law and Human Rights officers together with WBP mingled to perform Eid prayers together.

"In this Eid celebration as a means of self-introspection for all past mistakes," Ibnu Chuldun told reporters.

Ibnu explained that the best human beings are humans who are aware of their mistakes and try to return to the right path.

In addition to carrying out Eid prayers, the Indonesian Minister of Law and Human Rights Yasonna H Laoly through Ibnu Chuldun also provided Special Remission and Reduction of Special Crime Period for inmates and fostered children in prisons/Rutan/LPKA DKI Jakarta Region.

"This policy aims to provide opportunities for prisoners and foster children who meet the requirements to get a reduced sentence as a form of appreciation for their persistence and seriousness in participating in a series of coaching activities," he said.

Ibnu added that granting remissions and reducing the criminal period is a tangible manifestation of the attitude of the state as an award to prisoners and foster children who always try to do good, improve themselves and return to being useful people.

"This remission is expected to provide new enthusiasm for inmates and fostered children to improve themselves and start a better life after leaving their sentence," he said.