Comfortable And Safe Tips To Work From Home Without Worry

JAKARTA - The increasing number of positive cases of coronavirus or COVID-19 has prompted the government to implement policies so that people work at home or work from home. This is done to prevent transmission of the corona virus.

Work from home (WFH) or work from home sounds more fun. But the fact is, working in these conditions requires greater discipline and excellent time management.

Especially with technological sophistication, this is not an obstacle or a problem. Provided that coordination in working online is not interrupted, due to connection problems or cyber attacks and malware.

This was also confirmed by Kaspersky security researcher, David Emn, according to him that the phenomenon of remote working or work from home will be very vulnerable to digital security problems. It is possible that internet network traffic will increase and the risk of cyber interference such as e-mail spam, phishing and malware will also increase.

"We will encourage companies to be very vigilant at this time, and ensure that employees who work at home remain careful," said David in his official statement, Tuesday, March 17.

David explained, the threat of malware or viruses will be very susceptible to occur in any digital information transaction. Because there is no additional digital protection from the IT team if such interference occurs outside the office.

"Ensure employees are aware of the risks, and take various measures to secure remote access for those who are isolated or work from home with the company network," he added.

To avoid this, VOI provides safe tips to work from home without worrying about cyber security:

1. Use a trusted VPN server that has been agreed by the employee, before working from home to stay connected to the company network securely.

2. Use aktivirus on devices connected to the corporate network. This includes laptops and personal smartphones.

3. Always apply the latest updates for the operating system and applications.

4. Limit the access rights of any party that can connect to the corporate network, you can ask the IT department to overcome this before starting to work from home.

5. Make sure not to open or download files from unknown sites, while doing work from home.

6. Always back up important data, every time you complete a job to avoid the vulnerability of connection disruptions and data corruption.