British Foreign Minister: Ukraine Must Win A War, Otherwise All Western Countries Lose

JAKARTA - British Foreign Minister David Cameron and French Foreign Minister Stephane Sejourne confirmed Ukraine's defeat in the fight against Russia meant defeat to Western countries.

"Our statements are very clear: Ukraine must win this war. If Ukraine loses, we all lose," Cameron and Sejourne said in a joint article published by the UK daily The Telegraph on Sunday (7/4).

The two Foreign Ministers said they would seek the upcoming NATO summit which will be held on 9-11 July 2024 in Washington, United States, to be carried out productively.

They also said they would assert "unwavering support" for Ukraine at the European Political Community Summit which was held in the UK on July 18, 2024.

In addition, Cameron and Sejourne said Western countries must act more to ensure Russia loses in Ukraine. Moreover, this has been discussed at a conference related to Ukraine in Paris, France, last February.

During the conference, French President Emmanuel Macron said leaders of western countries had discussed the possibility of sending troops to Ukraine. Although consensus was not reached in this regard, he stressed that no option should be ruled out for the sake of Ukraine.

Russia launched an attack on Ukraine since February 24, 2022 in what they refer to as a "special military operation".

Russian President Vladimir Putin said the purpose of the operation was to protect Ukraine's "landed" society for eight years since 2014.

Putin also said Russia's efforts to reach an understanding with NATO regarding security issues in Europe had not received a positive response. Meanwhile, NATO continues to expand its scope and is getting closer to Russia's borders.