US Frusted Israeli Attacks On Gaza Strip

JAKARTA - The United States (US) has been frustrated by Israel's actions in the Gaza Strip and hopes that Israel fulfills its commitment to stopping threats to civilians in the enclave and allowing more humanitarian aid to enter there.

This was conveyed by White House National Security Communications Advisor John Kirby in an interview with ABC news channel reported by ANTARA from Sputnik, Monday, April 8.

This shows the greater level of frustration we are experiencing towards the way this operation is carried out and the way Israel acts on the ground with respect to the fall of civilian casualties. So we are getting more and more frustrated," Kirby said.

However, Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu assured US President Joe Biden that Israel would meet US requests, Kirby added.

"We have to see... if they really fulfill their commitments over time in a sustainable and verifiable way so that trust can be restored, not only between aid workers and the IDF (Israel's armed forces), but also between Gazans and Israelis," Kirby said.

On the same day, Kirby told CBS News Washington still had no evidence of Israel violating international humanitarian law during its military operations in the Gaza Strip.

On April 1, seven aid workers from World Central Kitchen who came from Australia, Poland, Britain, Palestine and a US and Canadian dual national were killed in an Israeli attack on the Gaza Strip. As a result, the humanitarian organization suspended its operations in the region following the deadly incident.