Ethereum Alternative Choices Of Post-Having Bitcoin Strategy

JAKARTA - Soon the cryptocurrency market will experience major events that only occur once every 4 years. This event, known as Haling Bitcoin, certainly greatly affects the movement of the crypto market, especially Bitcoin.

Haling Bitcoin is due to a half-cut from the reward received by Bitcoin miners, so the market will lack Bitcoin, but demand remains the same or even increases.

As a result of the increasing market demand, the availability of Bitcoin is reduced due to the halving of Bitcoin, of course, creating a price increase fluctuation. This picture will occur in the Bitcoin market.

Then, does Haling Bitcoin affect other crypto assets? From the observations of many experts who suggest buying ethereum as a popular asset after Bitcoin will increase, this is because of the strategy of investors buying up altcoins.

It is estimated that many investors will buy eth because it will be boosted from the occurrence of Bitcoin halving. Basically, it aims to control inflation. In addition to ensuring that the new Bitcoin in the market disappears slowly.

Meanwhile, this Haling Bitcoin is estimated to be only a matter of days for this 4-year event. The question is which crypto asset can be a profitable alternative option after the Bitcoin halving.

As the second-strongest cryptocurrency, Ethereum, then is it possible for ethereum to become an alternative investment to gain profits after Bitcoin? Before discussing that, it would be great if you understood the Halfing Bitcoin and its impact on the crypto market.

Haling Bitcoin is in its fourth term, which will fall in April-May 2024 which is now in a matter of days. The Bitcoin coin supply to be released is expected to be worth 1,312,500 BTC coins, and mining costs will be reduced to 3,125 BTC.

Bitcoin Halving is a moment Bitcoin investors have been waiting for once every 4 years. During this time, cryptocurrency investment costs will be cut by half. This prevents Bitcoin deflation and retaining will only be available for 21 million coins. This low and strong demand is often the reason for the emergence of new profits.

The first Haling occurred on November 28, 2012, when the reward for Bitcoin's previous 50 BTC mixer fell to 25 BTC. The next incident occurred on July 9, 2016, known as the second Halfing.

when the block price was lowered from 25 BTC to 12.5 BTC. Finally, the bitcoin decline occurred on May 11, 2020, from 12.5 BTC to 6.25 BTC, and was known for the third Bitcoin halving event, making the Bitcoin market experience movement.

Dari ketiga peristiwa sebelum halving Bitcoin sejarah mencatat terjadi guncangan pasar kripto sehingga pergerakan pasar membuat investor banyak mengalami kedatangan. Sebagai alternatif investor akan melihat Ethereum.

Ethereum is a cryptocurrency based on the same blockchain technology as Bitcoin, but it has more advanced features. This makes Ethereum attractive to investors looking for new opportunities after Bitcoin sharing.

1. Smart Contract Role in Ethereum Success

Smart contracts are unique features offered by Ethereum. Smart contracts allow developers to create decentralized applications that run without interference from third parties.

This feature has become one of the key factors in the success of Ethereum. With smart contracts, Ethereum can be used for various purposes, including financial management, business agreements, and more. This makes Ethereum a very attractive platform for developers and investors.

2. Increase Ethereum demand in Various Industries

Amid the turmoil in the Bitcoin market, of course Ethereum is an alternative choice of investment in cryptocurrencies so that ethereum is experiencing a significant increase in demand in various industries.

Many large companies and start-ups are starting to use Ethereum to build their own decentralized apps. For example, the financial industry uses Ethereum for cross-border payments and transaction processing, while the logistics industry uses Ethereum to track supply chains.

This increased adoption shows that Ethereum has real value in the real world, which makes it a promising investment.

3. Expert Opinions on Investment in Ethereum

Cryptocurrency market experts and analysts also provide a positive view on investment in Ethereum. They see the growth potential of Ethereum as the main reason to consider this investment.

According to them, the potential for broader decentralized applications and increased adoption by large companies will push Ethereum prices to higher levels in the future.

4. Ethereum Growth Scalability and Potential

One of the main reasons why Ethereum appears as a profitable investment is its scalability. Ethereum has the ability to accommodate large numbers of transactions, which makes it the ideal platform for the development of decentralized applications.

With increasing demand, Ethereum has great growth potential in the future.

One of the reasons why Ethereum emerged as a profitable alternative investment is the concept of Haling Bitcoin. When Haling Bitcoin occurs, the market usually moves wildly.

This of course makes investors observe and analyze market movements carefully. They will consider all factors so they don't suffer losses as long as halving Bitcoin occurs.

The next step for investors looking for safety is to diversify their crypto assets. Of course, the most incoming option will be to buy eth. Because ethereum is known as a popular crypto asset after Bitcoin.

From these events, of course, Ethereum's demand will increase. This is due to the fact that Ethereum's supply is temporarily stable after halving, while after halving Bitcoin demand continues to increase.

Therefore, Having Ethereum can be the right moment for investors to make significant profits. However, it is important to remember that investing in cryptocurrencies always involves risks. Cryptocurrency values can vary significantly, and investors must be prepared to deal with market fluctuations.

In addition, government regulations against cryptocurrencies can also affect investment value. Therefore, before deciding to invest in Ethereum, it is important to conduct careful research and consult experienced financial professionals.

From the review above, it can be concluded that Ethereum is the right choice for investors to diversify cryptocurrencies after Bitcoin. Because it causes wild price movements.

However, just like all investments, there are risks related to investing in cryptocurrencies. Therefore, it is important to conduct careful research and consult financial professionals before making investment decisions.

So, if you're looking for a promising investment after Bitcoin, Ethereum is one of the options to consider so you can make a profit.