76 Thousand Vehicles Cross The Palikanci Toll Road At The Moment Of Eid Homecoming

PT Jasamarga Toll Road Operator (JMTO) reported an increase in traffic a week before Lebaran homecoming. It was stated that 76,693 vehicles had crossed the Palikanci Toll Road in Cirebon, West Java, recorded up to D-5 Eid Al-Fitr.

It is estimated that this number will continue to grow in D-3 Lebaran 2024, where it enters the peak moment of homecoming flow. "Vehicles passing are calculated until Friday (5/4). When compared to normal days, the increase is 229 percent," said PT JMTO Area Manager Ade Rukmana in Cirebon, as reported by Antara, Sunday, April 7.

Ade said that the movement of vehicles during D-5 Lebaran on the toll road has increased by 73 percent when compared to the realization of traffic volume in 2023 in the same period. According to him, until now the spike in vehicles on the two lanes on the Palikanci Toll Road continues to occur because there are still many people who travel back and forth from Jakarta to Central Java. from the last data collection, there were 6,767 vehicles driving on the Palikanci Toll Road to Semarang. I obtained the highest data per hour at 14.00 WIB to 15.00 WIB," he said. Ade said that the results of monitoring carried out by his party showed that the traffic flow in the Palikanci Toll so far was relatively stable with the presence of a balanced increase in vehicles on both lanes. This means that all vehicles can go safely and smoothly even though at several points there had been a density. The density type occurred at KM 201 due to the occurrence of accidents, as well as in the KM 193 section which there were obstacles, causing queues of vehicles as long as 5 kilometers for 20 minutes. He said that the traffic barrier could decay optimally, thanks to the presence of vehicle arrangements by officers and personnel from the local police apparatus. From our observation, the two lanes on this toll road are relatively balanced because there were arrangements at the former Palimanan Main Gate. At the time of the occurrence, we also collaborated with the regional police,' he said. His party estimates that by looking at the number of travelers who are still traveling, then the peak of vehicle spikes on the Palikanci Toll Road will also occur on Sunday night.