Mayor Of Tansel Will Sanction ASN Use Official Cars For Eid Homecoming

TANGERANG - The South Tangerang City Government (Pemkot) has banned the State Civil Apparatus (ASN) from using its official car for Eid homecoming.

South Tangerang Mayor, Benyamin Davnie said he would impose sanctions on his ASN if he was caught carrying his official car for homecoming.

"If an official car is found to be used without obtaining permission from the leadership, strict sanctions will be rewarded to ASN who are determined to take advantage of state facilities outside the service," said Benjamin in his statement, Sunday, April 7.

He also asked his ASN to return his official car to their respective agencies. So that the ASN is not misused for personal purposes.

"Official cars that are not used in the needs and needs of Eid services, are to be returned to each agency," he said.

On the other hand, there are 420,000 residents who will leave South Tangerang to travel the Lebaran Homecoming. This is known based on the data received by his party.

"The population is 1.4 million. From our record, 30 percent of them travel from homecoming outside the region," he said.

Benjamin also advised that travelers returning to South Tangerang, it is hoped that they will not bring their relatives from outside the region.

"The four of them, if they go home, the four of them, that's our hope, but if they bring their relatives, report to the head of the RT and RW if there are newcomers in South Tangerang," he hoped.