BSI Says Ziswaf Transaction Value Reaches IDR 14 Billion During Ramadan

JAKARTA - PT Bank Syariah Indonesia Tbk (BSI) recorded the value of zakat, infaq, alms, and waqf (ziswaf) transactions through BSI Mobile mobile banking during Ramadan so far has reached Rp. 14 billion with more than 700 thousand transactions.

At the end of Ramadan, the company projects that ziswaf transactions at BSI Mobile can reach one million transactions with a total volume of IDR 20 billion.

"BSI is a financial, social and spiritual friend who is not only a sharia bank but has a spiritual social responsibility to facilitate people transacting worship through zakat," said BSI Digital Banking SEVP Saut Parulian Saragih quoting Antara.

Especially for zakat, BSI targets zakat payment transactions through BSI Mobile to reach IDR 50 billion this year.

This target increased by 56 percent from the same period last year (year on year / yoy). BSI is also targeted to become the number one digital zismaf platform in Indonesia.

Over the next few days, the company stated that it is ready to facilitate people who want to pay zakat fitrah before Eid al-Fitr 1445 Hijriah.

For zakat fitrah payments, BSI Mobile provides a nominal choice ranging from Rp. 45 thousand to Rp. 55 thousand which is equivalent to 2.5 kg of rice per person.

Saut said that this year BSI is working with seven amil zakat (LAZ) institutions to facilitate the community in paying zakat through BSI Mobile, namely BSI Maslahat, Dompet Dhuafa, Rumah Zakat, BAZNAS, DT Peduli, LAZISMU, and LAZISNU.

The Company is committed to optimizing services for customers by maintaining transparency in the distribution of zakat through LAZ.

Customers who pay zakat will receive notification of information via electronic mail channel (email) or WhatsApp blast.

In addition to the ziswaf payment program, BSI also presents thematic programs during Ramadan.

The programs include Donations for Orphans, Ramadan with Palestine, Sharing Takjil, Sharing Sahur & Iftar, Sharing Basic Food for Dhuafa, Alms of Qur'an, Da'i Pelosok Nusantara Assistance, and other donation programs.