D-4 Lebaran, Thousands Of Motorbike Travelers Arrive At Bakauheni Port Lampung

JAKARTA - Homecomers who use motorbikes begin to enliven Bakauheni port, Lampung. Where, thousands of motor travelers departed from Ciwandan Port, Banten, and continued to arrive at Bakauheni Port, Lampung on Saturday or D-4 Lebaran 2024.

Quoting Antara, based on observations at the location at 03.00 WIB until 04.00 WIB, it was seen that the travelers took turns getting off the ship.

Not only those who use motorbikes, travelers who are cars and pedestrians continue to arrive at Bakauheni Port.

Although there is a density of two- and four-wheeled vehicles that will exit the Bakauheni Port area, it does not cause a buildup of vehicles that are too long and look smooth.

One of the travelers from Jakarta, Sunaryo, said that he chose to go home using a motorbike so as not to get stuck in traffic at Merak port, Banten.

"Yes sir, so that there are no traffic jams at the port, sir, and this also chooses the road at night to avoid congestion," said Sunaryo, when interviewed after getting off the ship in Bakauheni.

Meanwhile, General Manager of PT. ASDP Indonesia Ferry Bakauheni Branch, Rudi Sunarko, appealed to crossing service users to be able to buy Ferizy tickets from far away.

"So we appeal to prospective travelers from Sumatra Island to Java and vice versa who will use ASDP crossing services to buy tickets from far away," he said.