Tips For Making Adonan Tepung Krispi So That Cooking Is Still Renyah Not Lembek
YOGYAKARTA One of the problems that is often encountered when making the dough for fried food is that the flour becomes soft after cold. This condition can actually be avoided as long as you know the tips for making a kripsi flour mixture.
The key to making the fried food kripsi dough on the flour. However, the manufacture of crisis dough is not that simple. There are several things that need to be known to make fried flour doughs, namely as follows.
When mixing the dough, mix the dough with cold water or ice so that the hard texture and crisis can be obtained. This tip is enough to help keep the fried food quiet even though the time lag when fried is quite long.
Using two types of flour to make one dough turns out to help keep fried foods cryptic. The two flours are rice flour and wheat flour. Don't forget to mix the two with cold water.
Sepang bread is intended for bread, but when it is used as fried coating it turns out to help the food stay buzzy. Tips for using bread flour for fried foods are by smearing fried foods after being lifted from frying into bread flour. After that, goreng again once and then lift and drain.
When frying, avoid too hot oil. The very hot oil temperature will only make dry fried foods even easy to store on the outside, while the inside is not too ripe. To deal with this, make sure the oil temperature is at the ideal temperature. To get it, make sure to use the ideal fire.
During the frying process, make sure the fried foods are completely submerged in oil. This means that there are no parts that are not submerged in the noodles, although slightly. This is done so that the cooking process can be evenly distributed. During the frying process, try to adjust the fried food to the size of the pan. Avoid using a pan that is too small so that the fried capacity can be more complete and everything can be submerged perfectly.
You can use any ingredients to become fried foods such as tofu, tempeh, bananas, potatoes, and so on. However, so that fried products are still ready and not soft after cold, don't use ingredients that contain too much water. You can reduce the water content of tofu with paper tissue. Or you want to try a fried banana recipe, then try to make bananas less ripe so that it looks soft.
Try to make the size of the fried food not too big and thick because it will make the inside of the fried food difficult to mature, while the outside will be easy to match if it takes too long. It's good to adjust the size ideally.
Those are some tips for making crisis flour doughs. Visit to get other interesting information.