Diet Without The Consumption Of Vegetables And Calorie Foods, Is It Healthy?

JAKARTA - Losing weight can be done in various ways. For example, through a healthy diet for a certain period of time and balanced with regular exercise. But there are also those who undergo extreme diets and endanger their health.

So, what about a diet that is healthy and doesn't harm the body? Do you need to eat less of the vegetable category of food and avoid foods that contain calories?

Reporting from F-Factor, Thursday, March 4, people who are undergoing a weight loss program can eat unlimited vegetables. As long as these vegetables do not contain flour and are processed in a special way. The processing of vegetables will also affect the quality of fresh food.

Like adding salt, butter, sauce, and oil to vegetables just doesn't make it better for consumption on a diet. It is recommended to eat plain vegetables or without any mixture, either raw or processed by boiling it.

In the Reno Gazzetee Journal, nutritionists say that fresh food which includes vegetables and fruits should be considered as part of the total daily intake if you want to lose weight. Including counting the calories in it.

This means that fruits, vegetables, and calories consumed need to contain nutrients as a source of energy.

Renown Health licensed and registered dietitian Caitlin Bus says that even if you don't consume the required number of calories, it's still important to pay attention to nutritious foods. Bus actually recommends vegetables and fruit that contain calories for daily needs.

Furthermore, it can be concluded that if you don't eat vegetables and calorie foods, where do the nutrients come from?

Dieting is very calculative or calculated. Besides calculating the physical and mental condition, undergoing a diet also needs to calculate the quality of the food eaten. If it is super quality, then it can replace another one.

For example, can broccoli replace calorie needs. Of course you can, but calculate the portion according to your daily energy needs. Is not what is eaten equal to what is needed or expended into energy?

If you eat and you need the same plus exercise, there is a big possibility that you will lose weight. Well, but there are also other variables that influence weight loss. Namely hormonal conditions, healthy habits, and mental conditions.

Green apple illustration (Unsplash / Social.Cut)

Bus adds that all starchy vegetables and fruit like potatoes, peas, corn, pumpkin and beets provide the calories from the carbohydrates in them. This does not mean that these vegetables are bad and do not eat them at all, but they can be eaten in moderation.

He suggests filling half your plate at lunch and dinner with non-starchy vegetables such as celery, broccoli, leafy greens, asparagus, cauliflower, and peppers. Fruit can also be an option for dessert.

Sarah Trinajstich, a licensed dietitian and registered with the Northern Nevada Medical Center, actually recommends vegetables and fruits to replace whole starchy or calorie foods in order to reduce weight and improve health.

From the explanation of the two dieticians above, it can be concluded that without calories, the body will not get energy. But the calories from starchy foods will be healthier if replaced with nutritious vegetables and fruits.

What if you don't eat both?

What is clear, as long as the nutrition the body needs is fulfilled and does not accumulate excessively, it is possible to lose weight but it is not necessarily healthy if you do not consider the condition of everyone's body metabolism.