Roy Suryo: Pandemic Brings The Requirement Of Using Information Technology For All Activities, Including The Creative Economy

JAKARTA - Multimedia & Telematics observer Roy Suryo said the COVID-19 pandemic has brought big changes in the new normal life order. Opportunities and necessities for the use of information and communication technology are mandatory for all fields, including the internet for the creative economy.

One of the two subsectors of the creative economy is culinary and fashion. Both are the biggest contributors to the creative economy industry today.

Roy Suryo thinks that in this pandemic era, it is the right time for anyone to develop an entrepreneurial spirit. He wants people in the country not only to use gadgets to spend time on social media.

"Now is the marketplace era, it's a shame that the cellphone is only used for chatting, for posting. This is the era of the marketplace, an era where you can be both a producer and a consumer, you can work, you can work, you can take advantage of what you sell on Instagram or Facebook", said Roy Suryo in a discussion initiated by BAKTI Kominfo, Wednesday, March 3 yesterday.

Furthermore, Roy Suryo explained that the population in Indonesia continues to increase, where the data he sees there is a growth of 1.1 percent of the population every year. However, the interesting for him is the growth of cellphones, which are already far more numerous and faster than human growth.

"Mobile growth is 1.2 percent compared to last year, as well as internet connections. Social media users have also increased by 6.3 percent, so here that the internet is growing rapidly exceeding the number of Indonesia's population growth. Obviously, this needs to be utilized", he said.

Meanwhile, DPR Commission I member Ahmad Rizki Sadig said that this pandemic situation has made almost all activities supported by information technology. This is good through gadgets by mastering applications that support the use of information technology.

"In the business world, from home-based businesses to middle-level businesses with shops and factories, now must inevitably adjust by connecting between producers and buyers only through the world of communication and information technology", said Ahmad.

Ahmad also advised the current generation not to miss the golden opportunity to become the right person in terms of utilizing technology, especially in the business sector.

"Developments that are too fast if not followed are getting left behind, it will be very detrimental, making use of this communication and information technology into something productive that can produce good things", said Ahmad.