Sengit Debat KPU Witness And AMIN Legal Team Regarding Sirekap, BW: Don't Be So Tofu, Sir!

JAKARTA - A member of Anies-Muhaimin's legal team, Bambang Widjojanto, asked experts from the General Elections Commission (KPU) not to act as if they knew many things.

Initially, the KPU expert who was brought in, Marsudi Wahyu Kisworo, said that the data on vote acquisition in the KPU's Recapitulation Information System (Sirekap) was not much different from the comparative data, namely the 2024 Election Guard platform, the Election Guard, and the 2024 Voice Guard.

"They basically use TPS, have their own system, then upload it. This data is very accurate because apart from using ORC (optical character recognition), it is also validated by humans," Marsudi said at the Constitutional Court hearing, Wednesday, April 3.

"But when we saw the results earlier, it turned out that it was not far from the sirekap after the manual calculation was completed," he continued.

This was refuted by Bambang Widjojanto. Bambang views that the comparison of data displayed by Marsudi is not comparable.

This is because the percentage or number of C1 photos. The results of the TPS that have been uploaded on Sirekap and the comparison platform are very different.

"On the slide, the expert is not competitive, Sirekap KPU is 88 percent. Keep the election only 50 percent. Can you be an expert in comparing it is competitive? What skills can say that? Try to open it," said Bambang.

Marsudi immediately wanted to answer without opening the expose between Sirekap and the comparative platform.

"I just answered. I know," said Marsudi.

"No, no, we'll open it first, sir. Don't pretend to know, sir. We'll open it first," replied Bambang.

Mediate, the Constitutional Court judge asked the operator to reopen Marsudi's presentation requested by Bambang. Marsudi also continued his explanation.

"This is the data I take per day. This is the election control is complete there. Because they are all volunteers, they are not paid, so they say they are not 100 percent," explained Marsudi.

"Then if the data is more than 50 percent, there will not have much effect on the results," he continued.