Physical Activities That Children Need Based On Age
JAKARTA - Parents must actively invite their children to do physical activities and move. Do sports together and set an example for children to be active together and move together. Children can also be invited to do homework together such as sweeping, and reducing screen time exposure from gadgets or television.
Choose physical activities and sports that are safe for children such as playing in the house or around the house and a safe playground according to their age. Physical medicine specialist and rehabilitation of a student at Cipto Mangunkusumo Hospital, dr. Rizky Kusuma Wardhani Sp. KFR Ped. (K) said the stimulation of physical activity in children can start at the age of 0-1 years by stimulating according to their abilities at the age.
"If under 1 year to increase the physical stimulation, you can't carry much, you have to put it on your mattress or floor, you can position your child often on your stomach or rolling around, that's one of the stimulations," Rizky said as quoted by ANTARA, Tuesday, April 2.
If the child who is often on his stomach is able to lift his head or roll himself over, Rizky said to be stimulated by positioning the child to sit with the help of clothing and support with both hands.
After that, stimulation can be continued by teaching children to stand up and walk with help. If the child is 1 year and 2 months old, Rizky suggests consulting a doctor to find the best way to stimulate children.
"If children can walk and run at the age of 2 years, usually it is more or less the same. Finally, it is stimulated to carry out more complex physical activities such as jumping, running further and other activities such as sports, especially at school age," said Rizky.
He also reminded not to prohibit children from playing outside the home and socializing with their peers because it can have a positive impact on their social and motor development.
"Doing sports together, we must be able to motivate children to play together, children should not be banned often, let children play freely with friends or teach children our childhood games which turned out to be very good for development stimulation," said Rizky.
Provide also good nutrition and nutrition for the child's body, and reduce children to eating experienced foods, containing artificial sweeteners, and packaged foods that are fit and fit that are harmful to their health.
Rizky also suggested that children sleep adequately and have a minimum quality of 8 hours a day including naps and nights to stimulate the growth hormone that works if the child is in a relaxed or sleeping condition.
"sleeping is not just napping, the point is that children get enough rest, it can be taken from him sleeping at night or taking a nap, so in one day it must be enough for at least 8 hours, it is hoped that from the break there will be enough growth hormones that will increase, thus helping bone growth," said Rizky.