First Inauguration When Becoming Chief Of Police, General Listyo Sigit Rotates 6 High-ranking Officers, 4 Becomes Head Of Regional Police Headquarters

JAKARTA - The National Police Chief, General Listyo Sigit Prabowo, inaugurated 6 High-ranking Officers who were rotated to occupy new positions. This rotation is the first time during the leadership of General Listyo Sigit Prabowo.

Head of Public Information Bureau of the National Police's Public Relations Division, Brigadier General Rusdi Hartono, said there were 4 generals who were rotated as Head of Regional Police Headquarters, among others, Inspector General Nana Sudjana, Inspector General Panca Putra, Inspector General Hendro, and Inspector General Matius Fakiri.

"Today has held a handover of positions, namely the Chief of Police Expert Staff Coordinator from Mr.Irjen Nana Sudjana to Inspector General Martuani Sormin", Rusdi told reporters, Thursday, March 4.

The new position of Inspector General Nana Sudjana is currently North Sulawesi Police Chief replacing Inspector General Panca Putra who was transferred to become Kapolda North Sumatra.

Then, the Lampung Police Chief from Inspector General Purwadi Iryanto was replaced by Inspector General Hendro.

Finally, the Papua Police Chief, who previously served as Komjen Paulus Waterpauw, was transferred to Inspector General Matius Fakiri. Currently, Komjen Paulus Waterpauw is in charge of the Head of the Intelligence and Security Agency.

"Then there were 4 High-ranking Officers who were promoted from Brigadier General to Inspector General", he said.

Apart from that, Rusdi also mentioned that at least some Mid-level Officers had been promoted to High-ranking Officers.

"Then there were 7 police personnel who were promoted from Mid-level Officers to High-ranking Officers and From Police Chief Commissioner to Police Brigadier General", he said.