Witness Anies Calls Many Village Heads Mobilized To Support Prabowo, But Admits It Is Difficult To Trace

JAKARTA - One of the witnesses to the Anies-Muhaimin team, Andry Ermawan, revealed that many frauds in the 2024 presidential election occurred in the case of mobilizing village heads, especially in East Java.

In the 2024 presidential election PHPU dispute trial, Andry admitted that the Anies-Muhaimin National Law Team (THN AMIN) East Java received many reports about the direction to village heads to support candidate Prabowo Subianto-Gibran Rakabuming Raka.

"There are so many complaints at the call center of the East Java AMIN legal team, almost hundreds. On average, East Java is related to the involvement of the mobilized village head to support candidate pair 02," said Andry at the Constitutional Court building, Monday, April 1.

In addition, the AMIN team also received reports of village heads being threatened if there was no declaration to support Prabowo-Gibran.

One of them is in Ngawi Regency. Andry admitted that he received information that a number of village heads in Ngawi were intimidated to support Prabowo-Gibran.

However, when asked by the panel of judges how the intimidation was, Andry could not answer. He admitted that the AMIN team had difficulty tracing because the village head did not want to work together to make a report.

"We are looking for the village head to make a report that he was intimidated. But we can't get a meeting and so on, because we have difficulties," said Andry.

Andry also gave an example of another case in Tarik Village, Sidoarjo Regency. Where, a village head named Ahmad Irfandi was proven to be campaigning and sentenced to 5 months in prison.

"We, the legal team, also oversee the trial. The pattern is to use facilities for villages to support the 02 presidential candidate. There was a photo of candidate pair 02 found there," he said.