DPRD Asks For Rations For Their Families To Be Vaccinated Against COVID-19, The DKI Provincial Government Refuses

JAKARTA - The DKI DPRD (Regional House of Representatives) has asked for a quota for COVID-19 vaccination for their families from the DKI Health Office. However, there is currently no agreement to provide vaccine rations to families of council members.

Responding to this, Deputy Governor of DKI Jakarta Ahmad Riza Patria admitted that his party did not agree if the families of 106 members of DKI Jakarta DPRD were also vaccinated.

This is because their family is not a priority vaccine target. It is different from council members who are included in the target of vaccination phase two, namely public service officers.

"Yes, we reject the proposal of the DPRD family to be vaccinated. Our priorities are not family vaccinations. The priorities are health workers, market traders, and public officials such as bus drivers, security forces, and so on", said Riza at the City Hall of DKI, Central Jakarta, Wednesday, March 3.

According to Riza, the family members of the council should wait for the vaccinations for the general public. Currently, Riza asks these families to comply with health protocols and to do more activities at home.

"Our families are better off at home because the best place for all residents is at home. The most important and critical thing is to still use the health programs (prokes)", said Riza.

As is known, all members of the DKI DPRD have participated in the COVID-19 vaccination since Tuesday, March 2. However, currently, only board members receive vaccines.

Therefore, Deputy Chairperson of DKI DPRD, Mohamad Taufik, said that his party wanted the entire nuclear family of council members to also receive phase two vaccination for public service officers. This is because the families of the DPR/Parliament Republic of Indonesia members also receive vaccines.

"We just want to ask (DPRD members' family of vaccines) to the Health Office. One family, children, and wife. But until now we haven't", said Taufik.

Taufik said, the consideration of DPRD members asking for vaccine rations for their families is because they have the same neighborhood.

"I think like this, our family, we meet them every day. We don't protect our environment. We have to take care of our environment. What's wrong?", said Taufik.