Public Safety And Ideal Location Of Ammunition Warehouse

The explosion that occurred at an ammunition warehouse in Bogor Regency sparked concerns about the security of the weapons warehouse and its impact on the surrounding community. Indeed, ammunition warehouse should be safe places, but in reality, incidents like this continue to occur.

The DPR called for an evaluation of the location of ammunition warehouses close to residential areas. This highlights the need for careful thought to armory placement. Several examples, such as the 1984 ammunition warehouse explosion in Cilandak, provide valuable lessons for determining the ideal location for future weapons warehouses.

President Jokowi's directive emphasizes the importance of security, but questions remain regarding the security standards met by the current ammunition warehouse location. Recognition that the ammunition warehouse is underground and equipped with SOPs. Of course, the TNI, which is famous for its discipline, strictly implements SOPs. Even though SOPs have been implemented, there is still the possibility of accidents occurring. Therefore, the ideal location of an ammunition warehouse must take into account safety factors, such as distance from residential areas and adequate protection against potential explosions.

Warnings from the TNI Commander about the tendency of expired ammunition to explode indicate the need for stricter management of ammunition that is not fit for use. The ideal location for an ammunition warehouse must also provide safe and orderly storage, including monitoring the expiration date of these weapons.

In the case of the ammunition warehouse explosion in Bogor, the losses suffered by residents were the main concern. The apology from the Chief of Army Staff (KSAD) should be appreciated. The TNI's action to provide compensation for damage caused by the explosion is a good step, but is it enough? In a similar case in Cilandak 1984, psychological recovery and infrastructure recovery took quite a long time. The ideal location for an ammunition warehouse must take into account the social impact that might occur as a result of an incident like this.

Looking at the chronology of the Kodam Jaya ammunition warehouse fire, it is important to ask whether this incident could have been avoided. Lessons learned from similar cases that have occurred must really be learned and applied.

Public safety must be the top priority in determining the location of ammunition warehouse. Tragedies such as the explosion in Bogor remind us that there are many things that need to be considered in determining the ideal location for a weapons warehouse. Lessons learned from the past, including the events in Cilandak in 1984, as well as the explosion at the Kopaska ammunition warehouse in 2014 which caused casualties, must be used as guidance in preventing similar tragedies in the future. We believe the TNI is capable.