KAI Daop 1 Jakarta Provides 1,677 Trains For Lebaran Homecoming Transportation

JAKARTA - KAI Daop 1 Jakarta Public Relations Manager Ixfan Hendriwintoko said that his party provided 1,677 trains, including regular and additional departures, as homecoming transportation to support smooth travel during the Eid 2024 period.

"KAI Daop 1 Jakarta has prepared 1,677 trains, including additional trains, during the Lebaran homecoming period with 76 trains per day," said Ixfan Hendriwintoko, in Jakarta, Sunday.

He said that his party had also prepared 135 locomotives and 84 generator trains.

Regarding the number of passengers, he said that a total of 957,138 long-distance train seats were available during the moment of homecoming and backflow from March 31 to April 21, 2024, with an average availability of 43,506 seats per day.

"Compared to Lebaran homecoming in 2023, in 2024 the number of seating capacity provided will increase by 8 percent, which in 2023 will only provide 917,017 seats for long-distance train passengers," he also said.

In addition to long-distance trains, KAI Daop 1 Jakarta also provides free motor transport trains (moticals) which are a collaboration program between the Ministry of Transportation and KAI.

Ixfan stated that this effort aims to help people who want to bring their vehicles to their hometowns.

He said, there are three routes served by Motis Transportation during the Eid al-Fitr holiday this time, namely the North Cross on the Cilegon-Semarang Tawang route, the Central Cross on the Jakarta Gudang-Kutoarjo route, and the South Cross via Bandung on the Jakarta Gudang-Madiun route.

"For this year's Motion Transport, 2,014 passengers per day are carrying a total of 870 motorbikes per day for a period of 14 days, with different train capacities in each crossing," he said again.

KAI is committed to continuing to provide comfort and safety to passengers, so that they can enjoy the journey cheerfully and meaningfully at the moment of Eid homecoming and back to Lebaran 2024.