Truck Transporting Stone Collision 3 Vehicles On Jalan Transyogi Cibubur-Bogor, Allegedly Not Strong

JAKARTA - A truck loaded with stones crashed into three other vehicles, namely a TransJabodetabek Bus and two minibuses on Jalan Transyogi Cibubur, Bogor Regency, West Java, Sunday, March 31.
There is a bus parked with a position of hitting a black and white minibus against each other.
A number of police officers have been at the scene and are currently investigating the crime scene (TKP) and evacuating vehicles involved in the accident.
A victim named Andi (40) said the truck loaded with stones was thought to be not strong enough to climb so he immediately withdrew and hit three cars behind him.
"I stopped, I saw a green truck that couldn't stand it, I immediately told my family to get off," he said.
He also had time to go down with his son but his wife did not come down.
"It turned out that the truck immediately hit a bus, the bus hit my car and just hit a white car," he said when met at the scene.
Andi explained that the unfortunate incident occurred at around 13.30 WIB at that time the road was not crowded.
Andi also said that there were no fatalities but some of the victims suffered minor injuries, including their families.
"My family was taken to the nearest hospital in the Kota Wisata area," he said.
As a result of this successive accident, the traffic flow around the location was very congested.
A number of police from the Bogor Police Traffic Unit Law Enforcement Unit (Gakkum Satlantas) have been at the location.
They are currently investigating the crime scene and evacuating vehicles involved in the accident.