Pneumonia, Known As Wet Lung Symptoms To Watch Out For

JAKARTA - It is medically known as pneumonia, while the common people call it wet lung. This disease attacks the lungs which indicates a buildup of fluid. This disease can be threatening because the symptoms are not widely recognized.

Due to the swelling of the lung tissue, pneumonia can also develop suddenly and unexpectedly. It only takes one to two days, or longer. However, in general, pneumonia sufferers experience the following symptoms:


Because there is swelling, of course it feels uncomfortable in the chest. Symptoms of pneumonia can be recognized by coughing that does not go away. Either a dry cough or mucus with an abnormal color, such as yellow, slightly greenish, brown or mixed with blood.

Hard to breathe

Shortness of breath and shortness of breath may be experienced due to other diseases. But for pneumonia symptoms can be recognized by shallow breathing, fast, and feels tight. This is experienced even when not tired or at rest.

Other symptoms include a racing heart, elevated body temperature, cold sweats, decreased appetite, and chest pain.

It is not uncommon for those who experience pneumonia to also experience coughing up blood, headaches, and pain in the joints. In fact, sometimes sufferers can feel tired all day and experience disorientation, especially in elderly people.

The difference between pneumonia and exposure to the Covid-19 virus is in the sense of taste. If you experience shortness of breath, high temperature, coughing, and lose your sense of smell, you need to see a doctor immediately.

Pneumonia can be experienced by everyone, but it most easily affects vulnerable groups such as children and the elderly.

To identify germs that cause disease, it requires intensive examination. The doctor will ask for your entire medical history and perform several tests.

Some things that affect pneumonia will be asked by the doctor. The medical expert will ask about travel routes, work, contact with animals, related to anyone, and have experienced any health problems.

The medical will also determine the severity and whether it requires inpatient or outpatient care. But before that a series of tests will need to be undertaken. Such as blood tests, X-rays, measuring the level of oxygen in the blood, and sputum tests to bronchoscopy.

In general, there are three causes of pneumonia, namely bacterial infection, fungal infection and viral infection. So, to cope with pneumonia, a person needs to live a healthy lifestyle. In addition, if you live in a prone area you can get vaccinated against pneumonia and influenza.