Hailstorm Accompanied By Strong Winds Landa Sleman, Tens Of Falling Trees, Dozens Of Houses Damaged

SLEMAN - Heavy rain accompanied by strong winds and hail hit several areas in Sleman Regency, Yogyakarta Special Region. As a result, dozens of trees fell, dozens of houses were damaged and several power lines were cut.

"Apart from that, hail also occurred in several areas such as in Babadan Hamlet, Girikerto Kapanewon and Turi Donokerto Hamlet in Turi and Dusun Temulawak, Caturharjo Village, Sleman District," said Head of Emergency and Logistics Division of the Regional Disaster Management Agency (BPBD) Sleman Makwan Regency. quoted by Antara, Wednesday, March 3.

According to him, the impact of strong winds includes 25 impact locations with 27 fallen trees. It was also recorded that 12 houses were slightly damaged and six points of the electricity network were damaged.

"In addition, it also resulted in one tower collapsing, one car unit was damaged, one educational facility (BLK) was slightly damaged and one worship facility was slightly damaged," said Makwan.

For the points of occurrence of the impact of strong winds, including for the Pakem District in Hargobinangun Village, there was one fallen tree and one business place was slightly damaged

Meanwhile, in Kelurahan Purwobinangun, six points are where six trees fell, two houses were lightly damaged, two points, the electricity network was damaged, one tower collapsed and the education facilities (BLK) were slightly damaged.

"Then in Turi Subdistrict, Donokerto Urban Village, 12 locations were felled trees, eight houses were lightly damaged, 33 points of the electricity network were damaged, one worship facility was lightly damaged. Meanwhile, in Girikerto Village, there were three locations of five fallen trees," he said.

Makwan said that strong winds also hit the sub-district, which includes Tempel District, Mororejo Village, one location, one tree fell and one point the electricity network was damaged.

"In Mlati Subdistrict in Sinduadi Sub-district, one car was damaged. One car was damaged. Sumberadi Village had one house where a tree fell, one house was lightly damaged," he said.

Handling directly involves cutting down fallen trees and cleaning up damaged building materials.

"We also provide emergency assistance for victims affected by strong winds," said Makwan.