PT SMI Reveals There Are 6 Private Investor Candidates Wanting To Enter IKN, This Is The Leak

JAKARTA - PT Sarana Multi Infrastructure or PT SMI said, there are 6 prospective private investors who are proposing initiatives aka unsolicited projects to develop the housing and education sector in the capital city of Nusantara (IKN).

PT SMI's Director of Public Financing and Project Development Faaris Pranawa said investors were interested because the IKN project was low in risk.

"Interestingly, currently there are 6 potential investors in the housing sector and also in the education sector. So, the dynamics are starting to increase, especially for the initial stages, the risk of demand will be taken by the government. So, the risk of investment is quite low. It's interesting if the private sector enters IKN," said Faaris Pranawa in a media briefing at his office, Wednesday, March 27.

Faaris explained that currently his party had received an assignment of Rp1.3 trillion to work on government projects. Of the Rp1.3 trillion, Rp825 billion will be used for the IKN project.

"IKN is IDR 825 billion in terms of assignment to PT SMI," he said.

Even so, Faaris acknowledged that currently financing for infrastructure from the private sector is not yet running.

This is because his party is still in the stage of helping the IKN Authority to prepare a master plan for investment and organizational development.

"The financing stage for the private sector has not yet entered," he said.

"We are helping IKN in preparing the project. So, we see projects that will have private participation. We help both to prepare documents or evaluate proposals," he added.