3 Suspects In The Internship Mode TIP Case To Germany Work On Campus

The Criminal Investigation Unit of the National Police has named three suspects in the criminal case of trafficking in persons (TPPO) in the ferryjob mode to Germany, an employee of a university in Indonesia.

In the alleged TIP case, Bareskrim Polri named 5 suspects, two of whom were in Germany.

"When it comes to the three people in Indonesia, they do work at universities," said Director of General Crimes at Bareskrim Polri Brigadier General Djuhandhani Rahardjo Puro to reporters, Wednesday, March 27.

However, the profession of the three suspects with the initials SS, AJ and MJ was not clearly conveyed. It was only conveyed that there was information that they were alumni of the university.

The three also played a role in promoting the internship program to Germany to students.

"The person concerned is to offer himself as an alumni of the ferry job," he said.

For the other two suspects, ER alias EW (39) and A alias AE (37), it is said that they are still in Germany today. Their names will be included in the wanted list (DPO).

The move will be taken if both do not fulfill the summons for questioning scheduled for Wednesday, March 27.

"We will issue these 2 people to the DPO and then you will coordinate further with the Divhubinter to issue the red notice concerned," said Djuhandhani.