Location Of New Money Exchange In Tangerang, Don't Miss The Schedule

YOGYAKARTA - There are several new money exchange locations in Tangerang that can be visited before Eid. Towards Eid al-Fitr, it has become a normal activity for people to flock to exchange money. To answer these needs, various banks also opened new currency exchange services.

Bank Indonesia (BI) Representative for Banten Province has announced a list of new locations and schedules for exchanging money. This information is important to note that people want to exchange new money during Ramadan and the 2024 Eid al-Fitr moment.

BI Banten provides mobile cash services to exchange new money to make it easier for the community. So which new money exchange locations in Tangerang can be used by the community near Eid?

The new money exchange program provided by BI Banten was held under the title Semarak Ramadhan and Berkah Idul Fitri (SERAMBI). The mobile cash service for money exchange only starts from March 19, 2024 to April 5, 2024.

The new money provided to the community ahead of Eid is confirmed in the form of Money Worth Edar (ULE). This time the money exchange service provided for each person can reach Rp. 4 million. This amount is greater than the previous year which was only Rp. 3.8 million.

Money exchange activities can be carried out in all banks and 12 open locations spread over a number of points. The following is a schedule and location for exchanging new money in Tangerang that needs to be noted:

Masyarakat yang berniat melakukan penukaran uang baru bisa mendaftar secara online terlebih dahulu. Pendaftaran dilakukan melalui situs resmi yang disediakan oleh BI Banten yaitu https://pintar/bi.go.id. Persiapkan KTP dan bukti pemesanan online saat datang ke lokasi penukaran uang baru.

The following are the steps to register for new exchanges online before Eid 2024:

That is information on the location of the new money exchange in Tangerang which can be visited before Eid al-Fitr. Make sure to register for new exchanges online through the website provided by BI. Also read also exchange new money at Bank DKI, schedule and location.

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