Immediately Change These 7 Habits, Because They Can Trigger Hypertension

JAKARTA - Hypertension or known as high blood pressure is divided into three categories, namely hypertension level one, hypertension level two, and hypertension emergency where the blood pressure reaches 180/120 mmHg. Most worryingly, hypertension knows no age.

This means that regardless of your age, you can experience hypertension if you still undergo the following habits:

Lazy to move

Sitting all day in a work chair without moving or exercising can be a cause of hypertension. Certainly tired after work, but as much as possible walk for 30 to 45 minutes to reduce the risk of developing high blood pressure.

A scientific study published in the National Center for Biotechnology Information states that exercising or moving the body can reduce the risk of high blood pressure.

Can't manage stress

The problems and the amount of pressure are often annoying. But what is more important is not to mess up your mind because of problems and a lot of pressure. You can manage stress which makes it easier to increase blood pressure.

Stress can make blood vessels narrow. Since stress can also speed up your heart rate, you need to manage your feelings. How? Try to engage in relaxing activities such as meditation, yoga, or doing relaxing daily activities.

Poor diet

Do you often skip breakfast? Avoid this, okay. Starting your activity with breakfast reduces the chances of having a bad diet.

Try to have a healthy breakfast in the morning and eat regularly. Plus, know the nutritional content of every food you eat. Avoid eating foods that are high in sodium or salt and eat lots of fresh, unprocessed food.

Sleep chaotic

No one thought that sleep had a significant role in health. Once you experience chaotic sleep, it will be physically and mentally chaotic as well.

Often staying up late, drinking lots of caffeinated drinks plus stress can easily invite this one disease, hypertension.


Having a normal body mass index can minimize hypertension, because the more overweight the heart works harder to pump oxygen-carrying blood and nutrients to all parts of the body.

Illustration of scales (Unsplash / I yunmai)

The higher the heart rate, the higher the blood pressure. This means that you keep your body weight in line to stay healthy.

Consuming some alcoholic beverages

Meanwhile, when consuming small amounts of alcohol can dilate blood vessels thus lowering blood pressure. But from many studies, it is stated that the habit of drinking alcohol in high doses can worsen the symptoms of hypertension.


What is dangerous is the nicotine content in cigarettes. This content can trigger a system full of releasing chemicals that cause constriction of vessels and increase blood pressure.

Which habits that cause hypertension have you or have you stopped? In addition to the seven causes of hypertension above, genetic influences, thyroid problems, pregnancy, taking drugs, and kidney problems can also trigger high blood pressure.