Head Of Badanas Calls CBP Stock Sufficient For Eid, Available 1.2 Million Tons Of Rice

Head of the National Food Agency (Bapanas) Arief Prasetyo stated that the government's food reserves (CBP) are very sufficient for Eid al-Fitr 2024 to be available at around 1.2 million tons of rice.

"Then the Minister of Trade has conveyed that there is cooperation between regions to ensure food availability," he said as quoted by ANTARA, Monday, March 25.

He explained that the cooperation of the local government in question is that if there is an increase in food prices due to inter-regional transportation during Eid al-Fitr experiencing congestion, the Ministry of Trade has asked local governments to use unexpected reserve assistance to subsidize food transportation costs.

"So, the harvest for this month is 3.8 million tons of rice, next month 4.9 tons of the need for 2.5 million tons. So, we make sure we have enough stock," said Arief.

Arief emphasized that food stocks during Ramadan to Eid are safe.

Moreover, the National Police also supports the smooth transportation of food delivery so that it is not hampered.

"The National Police Chief has also supported that transportation related to basic necessities will not be hampered," said Arief after a coordination meeting across the Ketupat Operations readiness sector 2024 held by the National Police in South Jakarta, Monday.

The Traffic Corps (Korlantas) of the National Police has imposed restrictions on three-axis freight transport vehicles during the implementation of the 2024 Eid homecoming and reverse flow, including logistics, food, livestock, fuel oil (BBM) and LPG vehicles.

Previously, Trade Minister Zulkifli Hasan, who was also present at the cross-sectoral coordination meeting, appealed to the public not to overdo it when buying food.

"We urge the entire community ahead of Lebaran and during the holy month of Ramadan, the basic ingredients are more than sufficient, much, so there is no need to overspend," he said.

Zulhas, the Minister of Trade's nickname, said that the public does not need to worry about the amount of stock and food prices because some areas that produce rice have now been harvested and there are almost big harvests.

Likewise, chili and onion commodities have also entered a good season. This condition has an impact on the price of chili, which was initially IDR 100,000 per kilogram, has now dropped to IDR 35,000 per kilogram.

"So, God willing, from Ramadan to Eid, prices will not increase," said Zulhas.