Sara Fajira Watches Anime To Deepen Asih's Character In The Film Of Devil's Followers

JAKARTA - Artist Sara Fajira is trusted to participate in the film directed by Max Pictures' production house entitled The Devil's Followers 2. This film itself is directed by Rako Prijanto and stars Mawar de Jongh to Hanggini.

In this film, Sara Fajira herself plays as a woman named Asih who is a comfort woman in one of the villages.

Seeing this, Sara admitted that she had her own references to deepen her character as Asih. One of them is ja watching a Japanese cartoon entitled Demon Slayer for the fight scene in the film.

"One of them is an anime demonstrationr and also I really like zombie films, so I also took it from there," said Sara Fajira in the Senayan area, Central Jakarta, Monday, March 25.







Not only that, for scenes as an entertainer, Sara has another film reference. Sara said that she took the genitals and gestures from the film Memoir of The Geisha.

"And there are also pluses from the crew themselves to be like Asih's body gesture itself taken from one of the Memoirs of the Geisha whose character is called Hatsumomo, so it can be seen what kind of things to start with, what kind of things," said Sara.