House Fire In Bone Sulsel, Scorched Tens Of Million Money, Rings And Gold Bracelets Burned

MAKASSAR - Fire of two houses on stilts occurred in Bone, South Sulawesi (Sulsel). Tens of millions of money and other valuables were also burned.
Kasat Reskrim for Bone Police, AKP Ardy Yusuf, said the fire broke out in Puang Nene Hamlet, Timurung Village, Ajangkale District, Bone Regency, Wednesday 3 March.
"At around 08.30 WITA, it happened," said AKP Ardy Yusuf to reporters.
The house on stilts caught fire when the owner left the house. APi originally came from Suddin's house. The victim immediately asked for help. When the fire team arrived, the house was completely burned down.
"The cause of the fire is thought to be shorting electricity," said AKP Ardy Yusuf.
As a result of this incident, victim Suddin lost tens of millions of cash. Even with other stilt house owners who also lost valuables.
"The victim is a resident of Suddin (suffered losses due to fire, red) rings, necklaces, gold bracelets and Rp. 70 million in cash. Victim J, Rp. 20 million in cash and other items were also burned," said AKP Ardy Yusuf.