KPK Investigates Alleged Tax Bribery, DPR Member Misbakhun Highlights Sri Mulyani's Performance

JAKARTA - Member of Commission XI DPR, Mukhamad Misbakhun, highlighted the performance of the Minister of Finance Sri Mulyani in the alleged tax bribery case at the Directorate General of Taxes at the Ministry of Finance (Kemenkeu). This case is currently being handled by the KPK.

"This is the momentum to re-evaluate the performance of the Minister of Finance more thoroughly in terms of oversight of the directorate general which is within the control of the Ministry of Finance," Misbakhun told reporters, Wednesday, March 3.

He emphasized that the Minister of Finance must take quick steps. The reason is that organizational impacts and risks remain with the Ministry of Finance.

"Including the Minister of Finance must prepare risk mitigation," said Misbakhun.

The Golkar politician said the Directorate General of Tax's employees were the backbone of state revenue. The proportion of tax revenue in the APBN is more than 80 percent, which is a very large and very meaningful figure.

Therefore, continued Misbakhun, during difficult times due to the COVID-19 pandemic, the employees of the Directorate General of Taxes have the opportunity to increase their contribution to the country.

"Revenue from the taxation sector is under intense pressure due to the economy affected by the pandemic, but I believe that the employees of the Directorate General of Taxes will continue to carry out their duties and obligations by keeping the situation conducive in the midst of public pressure and the temptation of money at all times," he said.

Misbakhun added, the ranks of the Directorate General of Taxes have actually shown brilliant performance when the government implemented a tax amnesty policy or tax amnesty from mid-June 2016 to March 2017. In addition, he continued, DG Tax employees also worked extra during the annual SPT service in the period March-April. .

For Misbakhun, it is time for the Directorate General of Taxes as an organization that has around 45,000 employees to be given greater space, roles and responsibilities. According to him, the KPK investigation of taxation officials is also a warning for taxpayers.

"Corruption is still corruption, there is no tolerance anytime, anywhere and by anyone. The law must still be upheld. This momentum is a lesson as well as a warning for all tax officials and all taxpayers that the space for corruption is getting narrower. Don't just look at it. to tax officials, but it must be emphasized that this warning is also for taxpayers, "he said.

Previously, KPK Deputy Chairman Alexander Marwata confirmed that his party had opened an investigation regarding the alleged tax bribery case at the Tax Directorate General (Ditjen) of the Ministry of Finance (Kemenkeu). However, Alex has not been able to reveal the identity of the party who has been named a suspect in this case.

"We are really investigating, but the suspect will be in the investigation process looking for evidence to determine the suspect, this is what we are doing," Alex said, Tuesday, March 2.