Replacing SBY, Agus Harimurti Yudhoyono Is The Head Of The Democratic Party

JAKARTA - The eldest son of the sixth President of the Republic of Indonesia Susilo Bambang Yudhoyono, Agus Harimurti Yudhoyono (AHY), has officially replaced his father as chairman of the Democratic Party. The decision was taken by acclamation in the 2020-2025 Democratic Party plenary session.

"Yes, we were elected by acclamation," said the Head of the Legal and Advocacy Division for the Democratic Party, Ferdinand Hutahean, in a short message, Sunday, March 15.

The decision was taken after the plenary session by all participants of the 2020 Democratic Party Congress V at JCC Senayan, Jakarta. Where the results were, AHY who registered as a caketum received 93 percent of the vote support from both the DPD and the DPC.

The majority of this support automatically paved the way for AHY to become ketum and replaced the position previously held by SBY from 2013-2020.

In his first speech as a ketum, Agus thanked a number of parties who supported him. In particular, his gratitude goes to the former head of the Democrat Party and his father, Susilo Bambang Yudhoyono.

He asked PD cadres to respect SBY as the founding father of the Democratic Party, for his services and dedication during his tenure as Chairman of the PD. For this reason, he invited PD cadres to work hand in hand in developing Indonesia.

"Together with all PD cadres, if we want to realize the big goal, let us join hands and God willing, we will reach our goal in the next five years," said AHY.

There are 10 superior programs that will be carried out by AHY for the Democratic Party, for the next five years. One of them is to win as many votes as possible from the younger generation, to participate and join together in building the country.

Here are the top 10 programs for the Democratic Party for 2020-2025:

1. Creating superior and militant human resources.

2. Strengthening leadership and effective management.

3. Modernization of the Democratic Party towards a smart party.

4. Strengthening effective political communication on all fronts.

5. Improve community service programs.

6. Opening and expanding constituent networks.

7. Winning the votes of the younger generation.

8. The success of the 2020 regional election.

9. The success of the 2024 legislative elections

10. The success of the 2024 presidential election