Subhanallah, Deputy Head Of North Lombok Police Give Al-Qur'an, Asking Prisoners To Get Closer To Allah SWT

JAKARTA - The Deputy Chief of Police of North Lombok, West Nusa Tenggara Province (NTB) Police Commissioner Setia Wijatono gave Al-Qur'an to 21 prisoners of various criminal cases.

The distribution of the holy book for Muslims was carried out after spiritual advice and guidance to prisoners at the North Lombok Police Headquarters, in Gangga, North Lombok Regency, Tuesday, March 2.

"I ask these prisoners to get closer to Allah subhanahu wa ta'ala (SWT) by doing more worship and reading the Al-Qur'an every day", he said.

He hopes that reading the Qur'an more can cleanse the heart and soul and return to being a good human being. In front of the prisoners, Wijatono also conveyed several hadiths of the Prophet Muhammad SAW in the hope that they could open their hearts and want to repent.

"In fact, this heart can rust as where iron is exposed to water. A friend asked, how to remove rust, O Messenger of Allah? He answered multiply the dhikr and read the Quran", said Wijatono quoting a hadith narrated by Baihaqi from Abdullah Bin Umar.

He also quoted a hadith narrated by Bukhari, that is, the best of you are those who study the Al-Qur'an and teach it.

Therefore, he said, the best people in the world are not people who have high degrees and positions, nor are people who have excessive wealth.

"However, the best person in the sight of Allah SWT is someone who wants to learn the Al-Qur'an and teach it to others", said Setia Wijatono.