Obscene Duo Of Father-son Caretaker Of Trenggalek Islamic Boarding School Cabuli Dozens Of Santri, The Mode Is Lure Money

TRENGGALEK - PolresTrenggalek, East Java, revealed that the father and son of the boarding school caretaker who is a suspect in the sexual abuse of a number of female students have been in action since 2021.

"The victim is estimated to have more than four (santri). Maybe dozens because according to the confessions of the two suspects, obscene acts have been carried out from 2021 to 2024. However, between the two perpetrators, they did not know each other that they had committed obscene acts against their students," said Head of Criminal Investigation Unit of the Trenggalek Police, AKPZainul Abdin, as reported by ANTARA, Friday, March 22.

Investigators also managed to obtain a number of important information from the two perpetrators who were father and son as well as the owner and underprivilegor of the boarding school in Karangan District, Trenggalek Regency, the one that stood out about the mode of obscenity carried out by the two.

The suspect's initials M (72), who is the owner and caregiver of the boarding school, molested a number of his female students with the lure of money ranging from Rp. 100,000 to Rp. 150 thousand.

Meanwhile, his son's initials F (37) committed sexual abuse by ordering female students to clean their bedrooms.

"If his father (insults santri) with the lure of paying money, his son uses the mode of asking students to enter the room under the pretext of cleaning the room. There are also those who are told to clean the living room," said Zainul.

From the results of the examination of the two suspects and the victims, the act of obscenity was carried out differently on each victim. There have been repeated, some have experienced harassment.

So far, the police have asked for information from 10 female students from the total number of victims suspected of being 12 female students.

"There are only two people because the house is far from the city center, so it takes time for communication. For others, they have received assistance from the social service," he said.

The two suspects will be charged with multiple articles, namely the Child Protection Act, the Law on the Elimination of Criminal Acts of Sexual Violence and the Criminal Code with a maximum threat of 15 years in prison plus a third of the punishment for being an educator.

"If it is related to the Child Protection Act (the sentence) is at least 5 years, then a maximum of 15 years, then the Law on the Elimination of Criminal Acts of Sexual Violence is a maximum of 12 years and the Criminal Code article is seven years," he said.

This case of sexual crimes in a boarding school environment in Karangan District, Trenggalek, was investigated by the police after four female students reported their children and owners of the Islamic boarding school to the Trenggalek Police on suspicion of obscenity. The immoral act was suspected to have occurred from 2021 to 2024.