The Corruption Eradication Commission Examines 9 Witnesses Regarding The Bribery Of Special Allocation Fund Management In Dumai City

JAKARTA - The Corruption Eradication Commission has scheduled the examination of nine witnesses in the alleged bribery of the Dumai City Special Allocation Fund (DAK) that dragged the Mayor of Dumai, Riau, Zulkifli Adnan Singkah.

Those examined included the Director of PT Tegma Engineering, Teguh Budiarso; Project Manager of PT Pgas Solution, Erlyn F Chandra; and Director of PT Energy Sejahtera Mas, Syafriadi.

In addition, there are three private employees, namely Agus Andri Gunawan; Eduardus Indrayadi; and Yulianto Budimuliono. Followed by two people from the private sector, namely Lalwani Veenaben Bhagwandas and Nurul Komar, and an advocate named Muhammad Arif Sulaiman.

These witnesses were examined to complete the case files for the Mayor of Dumai, Zulkifli Adnan Singkah.

"Examined as a witness for the suspect ZAS", said the KPK spokesman Ali Fikri in his written statement, Wednesday, March 3.

In this case, Zulkifli, who is the Mayor of Dumai, is suspected of giving IDR 550 million to a former employee at the Directorate General of Fiscal Balance at the Ministry of Finance, Yaya Purnomo. He was named a suspect last May 2019.

The bribe for Yaya was intended so that the management of the Special Allocation Fund for the City of Dumai in the 2017 Revised State Budget and the 2018 State Budget could run smoothly.

Yaya has been sentenced to 6.5 years in prison and a fine of IDR 200 million, subsidiary to 1 month and 15 days in prison by a panel of judges at the Jakarta Corruption Court.