PSI Claims To Have Sent Letter Of Interpellation Proposal Anies, DPRD Chairperson: I Don't Know, It's Not There Yet

JAKARTA - The Indonesian Solidarity Party (PSI) faction claimed to have written an official letter proposing a request for interpellation to the DPRD leadership.

If approved, PSI will ask DKI Governor Anies Baswedan for information regarding the causes of the Jakarta floods and the handling that has been carried out.

However, it turns out that DKI DPRD Chairman Prasetyo Edi Marsudi said he had not received any letters regarding the submission of the interpellation proposal.

"I don't know about the (interpellation). There has been no letter to me. But that is their (PSI) right," said Prasetyo on Tuesday, March 2.

In the DKI Regional Regulation Number 1 of 2014 concerning the Rules of Procedure for the DKI DPRD, the right of interpellation is proposed to the DPRD leadership. The form of the right of interpellation this time is a plenary meeting with the agenda of questioning the Governor of DKI Jakarta Anies Baswedan about the floods in DKI.

Later, other DPRD members will give their views from the factions. Furthermore, the governor of DKI Jakarta Anies Baswedan gave an explanation of the issues raised, if the interpellation was approved.

"We take this interpellation as the last constitutional way. This is PSI's moral and political responsibility towards the citizens of Jakarta, especially those who have been harmed by floods due to the failure and lack of seriousness of Governor Anies in managing flood management, "said Deputy Chairman of the PSI faction Justin Untayana some time ago.

In this proposed interpellation, PSI must lobby other party factions to make their dreams come true. This is because the PSI faction has eight members.

Meanwhile, the requirements to propose interpellation rights are rolled out by at least 15 members of the board and must be more than one faction.

Justin believes the factions they spoke to also agree with the agenda.

"We are sure that other parties also admit that the governor's handling of floods is still not optimal." Justin continued "For parties with similar views, we hope this can be a strong joint movement in the DPRD. We promote this right of interpellation for the sake of humanity and social justice for all citizens of Jakarta. "

Unfortunately, PSI lobbies to other factions are unrequited. The Golkar party factions, Gerindra, and the PDIP were reluctant to follow PSI's steps to initiate interpellation with Anies.