InJourney Provides 2,088 Free Tickets For Eid Homecoming 2024

JAKARTA - PT Aviasi Wisata Indonesia (Persero) or InJourney together with its subsidiaries support the 2024 Homecoming program with SOEs by providing 2,088 free tickets for bus, ship and train transportation modes.

Senior Vice President of Corporate Secretary InJourney Yudhistira Setiawan in Jakarta, Tuesday, March 19, said the free homecoming tickets provided by his party were aimed at the areas of Solo, Yogyakarta, Semarang, Purbalingga, Surabaya and Seram Island.

"We hope that the provision of free homecoming tickets can help relieve people who want to return to their hometowns in Lebaran 2024, so they can gather together and have fun with their families," said Yudhistira, as reported by Antara.

He conveyed that the program is one of InJourney's efforts to provide value and contribution to the community in providing safe, comfortable homecoming facilities, as well as to reduce congestion and risk accidents.

The details of the route from 2,088 free tickets prepared by his party are as follows:

1. Jakarta Solo with bus transportation modes as many as 80 seats.2. Jakarta Yogyakarta with 120 bus transportation modes.3. Jakarta Semarang with bus transportation modes as many as 40 seats.4. Jakarta Purbalingga with bus transportation modes as many as 40 seats.5. Makassar Surabaya with sea ship transportation modes as many as 200 seats.6. Ambon Seram Island with sea ship transportation modes as many as 696 seats.7. Jakarta Solo with rail transportation modes as many as 512 seats.8. Jakarta Semarang with rail transportation modes as many as 400 seats.

Previously, the Ministry of SOEs and SOEs launched the 2024 BUMN Joint Homecoming program with the theme taken, namely 'pleasant Homecoming with SOEs in 2024'.

Homecoming with SOEs this time served free homecoming for 80,215 travelers using three modes of transportation, namely 1,225 buses, 60 train units, and 15 ships.

In addition, there are 200 destination cities that will be visited in this year's BUMN Joint Homecoming program. Meanwhile, departures will simultaneously be held on April 5, 2024.