Because Often Unconsciously, Pay Attention To The 7 Signs Of Toxic Parents
JAKARTA - Every parent has different ways to educate their children. Starting from being very disciplined there are also those who are very flexible but have positive success.
Among the ways of parenting, there are parenting styles that are too stressful or too loose so that children's rights are not found, as was the case with toxic parents. Toxic parents are often not aware of the following signs of parenting that are detrimental to children's development.
Too disciplinedDiscipline does need to be taught from an early age. The discipline taught through habit is even more pervasive and memorable. That is, with the habit of discipline, parents teach without reprimanding harshly so that children often get discouraged.
Frequent reprimands can affect a child's self-esteem. Children can be very insecure because they are afraid of being reprimanded for making mistakes.
Over protectiveProtecting children is indeed the obligation of parents, but if it is excessive then the results will not be optimal. In fact, it affects children's development, including ways of thinking, potential, and interests.
Now, if he is too protective, he will feel very limited.
ComparingEvery child has the potential and abilities of each. That means comparing children with other children will have a negative effect. Try to give both freedom and to teach responsibility for their own choices.
Pessimistic parentsFeelings of pessimism are often discouraged and insecure. So, it is necessary to be a confident parent and not blame yourself for the choices you make.
For example, parents who 'feel' are always lacking in meeting children's needs, feel they do not have an attractive physique and feel that they are a bad example for their children. This includes being toxic parents, so being confident and grateful for what you have will have more positive results.
Scolding a child in front of other peopleScolding a child in front of others can discourage a child's heart and self-esteem. Although it needs to be reminded when making mistakes, but not by scolding them in the public space. Parents can remind by speaking and directing so as not to repeat their mistakes again.
Give continuous criticismIt is the same as being overprotective, giving continuous criticism as if all of the children's choices were wrong and not in accordance with the expectations of the parents. In fact, children will feel sad if criticism comes repeatedly. The repeated criticisms also limit the creativity, imagination and exploration process of children.
Parents are not good listenersBecause they feel they have more experience, sometimes people forget to be good listeners. In many cases, children become stressed if they have parents who are not good listeners.
For parents, try to reflect on the above signs and avoid attitudes that can sabotage the child's development and abilities.