DPR Leadership Asks Minister Of Health To Explain The Difference Between Government And Mutual Cooperation Program Vaccinations

JAKARTA - The government has officially released a regulation regarding independent COVID-19 vaccination or what is known as mutual cooperation vaccination.

This vaccination is stated in the Minister of Health (Menkes) Regulation Number 10 of 2021 concerning the Implementation of Vaccinations in the Context of the COVID-19 Pandemic. Of course, this standalone vaccine is different from the priority vaccines carried out by the government.

Deputy Chairman of the Indonesian House of Representatives, Azis Syamsuddin, encouraged the Ministry of Health (Kemenkes) to provide informative explanations to the public regarding the differences in government vaccination programs and mutual cooperation. In particular, related to differences in vaccine products used by the government and corporations.

"The government must provide clear information to the public that mutual cooperation vaccination is carried out free of charge and the implementation is carried out by companies aimed at employees / employees or laborers and their families whose funding is borne by the company," said Azis in a statement received by VOI, Tuesday, March 2. .

In the Permenkes, the government emphasizes mutual cooperation vaccinations should not use vaccine products used by vaccinations from the government, because this can trigger a negative perception of the community towards mutual cooperation vaccination.

"The Ministry of Health to commit to mutual cooperation vaccination should not interfere with the smooth running of the Government's vaccination program which could have an impact on the process of forming a herd community," said Azis.

According to the Golkar politician, the vaccines used in the mutual aid vaccination must also be carried out by the government to anticipate being a business field by irresponsible individuals.

"Of course, it is mandatory to obtain an emergency use authorization (EUA) permit from the Food and Drug Supervisory Agency (BPOM) to ensure the efficacy and safety of vaccines," he said.

Meanwhile, the vaccines used by the government are clear, namely the Sinovac, AstraZeneca, Novavax, and Pfizer vaccines.