Caution Do Not Fish Recklessly! Who Knew Even Got A CIA-Made Catfish Robot
JAKARTA - Maybe urban residents will find it difficult to find wild fish. Either in a river or a ditch. Even so, no one argues that fish is an animal that is easy to find. Because it's so easy, we don't think too much about these fish.
Perhaps, that is the reason why the CIA (Central Intelligence of Americ), the United States intelligence agency, created the robot catfish a few years ago. This fish is named Charlie. And as a fish belonging to the intelligence agency, of course, its job is for data collection operations.
Since its launch, not much has been known about this robot. The reason is, the CIA classifies the operation carried out by Charlie's robot as a secret. Luckily, thanks to a report by the Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE), we can find out what this robot does.
“Charlie is an Unmanned Underwater Vehicle (UUV) specially designed to collect water samples secretly. This vehicle is moved from a short distance by the pilot using the remote, "explained IEEE via the Spectrum website, Tuesday, March 2.
Unfortunately, the CIA was reluctant to share further regarding the materials used and the components that compose them. What was conveyed was a robotic hull containing a high-pressure hull, ballast system, and a communication system.
"The tail becomes a container for locomotion. The size is only 61 centimeters, ”explained IEEE.
We can see through the video above how the Charlie fish robot looks so realistic. If you don't pay close attention, these fish may be considered wild fish. Not much different from similar fish that are easily found in the sea, riverbanks, or gutters.
It's no surprise that the CIA prefers a fish-shaped robot for its operations. Moreover, now there are many examples where the technology developed is inspired by natural phenomena. Like a robot in the shape of a tuna fish made by the United States Department of Security. This robot has been used to protect ports in the country.
Meanwhile, it is not certain whether the CIA has stopped this robot operation or is still continuing it. But, if you look at how the CIA shared a video about Charlie's robot and some related information, it could be that Charlie has already inhabited the museum room.
So, start to be careful when fishing, yes. Who knows, the one caught on your hook is a spy robot belonging to the United States.