The North Kalimantan Provincial Government Will Give BPJS To Angkot Drivers To Ojek Drivers

TANJUNG SELOR - Governor of North Kalimantan (Kaltara) Zainal Arifin Paliwang will provide social security to city transportation (angkot) drivers, motorcycle taxi drivers to loading and unloading workers (TKBM). The distribution is provided through the Employment Social Security Administration (BPJS).

"We will cover everything through BPJS Ketenagakerjaan, including street vendors," said Zainal, Monday, March 18.

The governor explained that the social security would be coordinated by each chairman of his organization. After being collected, the name was deposited with the Kaltara Provincial Government to be processed and registered as a participant in BPJS Ketenagungan.

"The Kaltara Provincial Government bears 100 percent of its BPJS Employment contributions for a year," he said.

Previously, the North Kalimantan Provincial Government had provided BPJS to other informal workers including the Voting Committee (PPS) and the Voice Protection Site Supervisory Officer (PTPS).

"Last year (2023), the North Kalimantan Provincial Government has backed up 45 thousand people in all districts and cities. Starting from fishermen, PPS officers and PTPS and others," he said.

"This year the number is targeted the same as last 2023," he concluded.