Followed By Klik File APK Fraud? Here's How To Secure Data And Finance

YOGYAKARTA - The mode of fraud with a blank file is rife and there are already several victims. Mobile users are asked to be aware of this digital crime. So what if you click on a file that shows fraud? If you experience this, there are several steps that can be taken to avoid losses.

Often mobile phone users are trapped with cyber crimes because the modes are different. As is well known, there are many modes of file submissions in the form of digital invitations, COD packages, and others. This cyber crime is very dangerous because it can cause money losses and theft of victim data

The moments of Ramadan and Eid al-Fitr also do not escape the cunning brain of the fraudsters. Now there are also frauds under the guise of alms invitations, invitations to break the fast, and others. Not a few people are unconscious or rush to click on a blank file or a link sent by a fraudster.

If you have already clicked on the fraudulent file, don't just stay silent. You must immediately take action to protect personal and banking data so that it remains safe. So how do you prevent hacking on your cellphone when you click on the file not to commit fraud?

This time there are tips from Bank Indonesia (BI) to secure data even though the file has already clicked on the fraudulent file. Before it's too late to experience a burglary, you still have time to minimize the risk or mitigate the loss.

The following are the steps you need to apply if you have clicked the fraudulent file, reported from BI's official website:

An important step you need to take if you already click on a fraudulent file is to turn off internet access. So just take off your cell phone to prevent malware from stealing data.

In the file file sent by the fraud, there is malware or virus that is prepared to break into your phone. Once the malware penetrates into the cellphone, it will spread to the device as long as there is an internet connection. Therefore, immediately turn off the internet network, both cellular data and WiFi.

The next way you need to do to secure data on your phone is to delete suspicious applications. Sometimes as the owner of our cellphone without examining downloads and installing unofficial or illegal applications.

Even though illegal applications are very risky as a cyber crime media that can break into our cellphones. If you have already clicked the file for fraud, usually the application will be stored in your cellphone data. How to delete it, just open the'settings' menu, then select 'Applications'. Select the application that just installed earlier to delete.

Mobile users must immediately contact the bank when the situation has already opened a fraudulent file. You have to report to the bank about this. Later the bank can help block ATMs or personal accounts for security measures.

Another urgent action that you need to do is immediately change the password of all accounts. As soon as you click the file impk fraud, immediately move quickly to change the password of your bank account, social media, email, e-wallet, and other accounts connected to personal data.

The last tip that you can apply when you click a fraudulent file is to make a factory reset. By resetting, your phone will be changed to the factory settings as before. This method can delete all data, applications, and includes malware that may be logged in on your phone. However, before resetting, backup data is important first.

Those are some of the steps you need to take if you have already clicked the file on the fraudulent sign. Although there is still an opportunity to secure personal and financial data, try not to get trapped in the fraud mode. Also read alert phishing sites that target women.

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