What Effect Does Your Body Have When You Fall In Love?

JAKARTA - Falling in love is a beautiful feeling that everyone can experience when they find the right person. When you feel it, the world feels very colorful and the days become more enjoyable. It is undeniable that falling in love has a positive impact on yourself and your health. Don't believe it? Let's see the explanation!

Give a sense of joy

The thing that feels the most when you fall in love is cheerfulness. This is because levels of the neurotransmitter dopamine in the brain increase when you fall in love, which is a category of fun things you experience. This is what makes falling in love feel like addiction and like intoxication.

Reduces stress

Often feel tired and frustrated due to many daily activities and routines? Now, when you fall in love, all those burdens can be reduced or even gone. Because, even though you still have a lot of activities and make you dizzy, the feeling of falling in love can raise your spirit and mood.

Brighter skin

Falling in love can reduce levels of the hormone cortisol in the body, which is closely related to a person's stress levels. When cortisol is high, it can also cause skin problems such as acne breakouts. So, when the cortisol drops and what increases are the love hormones like oxytocin, you will feel more beautiful and your skin is cleaner and brighter.

Boosts immunity

The positive emotions when falling in love are real. This can be triggered from the pleasure of meeting your partner, enthusiasm when chatting from heart to heart, even looking into his eyes and seeing him smile can be a kind of medicine for yourself. Positive emotions in the body are also closely related to increased immunity.

Long life

Did you know that falling in love can also make you live a long life? So, a study states that couples in harmonious relationships have a 24% lower risk of dying young than those who are unhappy.