193 Million People Will Go Home For Eid This Year, Minister Of Transportation Explains Anticipation Steps

Minister of Transportation (Menhub) Budi Karya Sumadi revealed that the potential for national community movement during Eid al-Fitr or Eid Al-Fitr reached 193.6 million people.

"Based on the results of a survey conducted by BKT, there is a trend of increasing the potential for national community movement during the Lebaran 2024 period, which is 71.7 percent of the total population of Indonesia or 193 million people," Budi said during a virtual press conference, Sunday, March 17.

Of this figure, continued Budi, as many as 14.6 percent or the equivalent of 28.4 million people in Jabodetabek will travel during this year's Eid homecoming period.

"This indicates that there is a tendency to increase public interest in traveling back and forth to Lebaran in 2024 and when compared to 2023 it is 45.8 percent or 123 million people," he said.

Steps To Anticipate The Surge Of Homecomers

As an anticipatory measure from the 2024 Lebaran homecoming spike, Budi continued, the Ministry made preparations both operationally and comprehensively for transportation regulation control policies and handling.

Budi also said that his party cooperated with agencies and ministries, Central Government, Police, Regional Government, State-Owned Enterprises (BUMN), and the private sector.

Furthermore, Budi said the government also decided to limit the transportation of goods during the Eid 2024 transportation period. This regulation has been included in the Joint Decree (SKB) of several ministers.

"The real steps that have been taken are the Ministry of Transportation, Korlantas, Ministry of PUPR by issuing a decree on traffic regulation and crossing the 2024 Eid homecoming period on March 5, 2024 and the decree contains regulations for operational restrictions on the 2024 Eid goods transport," he said.

The Ministry of Transportation, continued Budi, has also conducted ramp check safety inspections on land, sea, land and rail transportation facilities.

"We also continue to increase socialization to the public regarding transportation regulation policies on Eid 2024 transportation and increase traffic discipline," he said.

In addition, Budi said, this year the Ministry of Transportation will also hold free homecoming again on Lebaran 2024.

This is done to anticipate a surge in people who want to go home.

"And today we also state that we are coordinating several agencies that will provide this homecoming transportation and this is mainly related to motorcycles," he explained.