Pemprov DKI Don't Just Repair Big Roads, Pay Attention To The Village

JAKARTA - Commission D for the Development of the DKI Jakarta DPRD has asked the DKI Jakarta Provincial Government not only to repair damaged or perforated roads on major roads. Supposedly, the roads in the village should also be repaired.

Member of Commission D DPRD DKI Jamaludin Lamanda said this request came from the aspirations of residents who were netted in the Development Planning Consultation (Musrenbang) ranging from environmental apparatus such as RT and RW to sub-districts.

"Don't just look at large-scale developments, which are on the surface of the province or big roads. The absorption of the road repair budget should go directly to the villages," said Jamaludin in his statement, quoted by VOI on Tuesday, March 2.

Continuing, Deputy Chairperson of the DKI DPRD, Nova Harivan Paloh, said that the budget realization of the DKI Bina Marga Service was 93.45 percent of the total budget ceiling of IDR 1.67 trillion in the 2020 APBD.

However, unfortunately the realization of the budget was only large for official activities. Meanwhile, the budget absorption for the official section of each administrative city is still insufficient.

Where, in the five administrative cities, an average of only Rp.149.74 billion was achieved from Rp166.66 billion or 89.85 percent realized.

"If you look at the budget structure alone, the sub-dept. Is very small, even if the changes (APBD 2021) later, it should really be covered. We also hope that the changes can be fulfilled (input for road repairs) from the recess and Musrenbang. " call him.

Citizens' aspirations at the Musrenbang who are included in the activities of the official tribe must be followed up responsively. This is because, according to Nova, the input that has come for road repairs at the Highways Sub-Department alone has reached hundreds of proposals.

"Just today, I joined the Musrenbang of approximately 300 from Bina Marga. Of course, this should be our common concern, ”Nova continued.

Responding to this, the Head of the DKI Jakarta Provincial Highways Service, Hari Nugroho, admitted that he would make optimal efforts so that inputs for maintaining large and small roads in the region can be responsively accommodated.

Where, the Bina Marga Office has made an inventory of 6,934 potholes and has been followed up in the form of repairs since early January 2021 with light to medium level work.

"Because the SPD has just been disbursed, we will mainly do repairs where roads are badly damaged, such as Cilincing Marunda," said Hari.