PPP Appreciates Jokowi Revokes Presidential Regulation On Alcohol Investment Permits

JAKARTA - Secretary of the PP Party Parliament (PPP DPR) faction Achmad Baidowi appreciated President Joko Widodo's decision to cancel the attachment to Presidential Decree 10/2021 regarding the liquor (alcohol) investment license. The withdrawal of the alcohol investment permit attachment was carried out by Jokowi after. listening to public reactions, the aspirations of Ulama, Islamic boarding school leaders, and political parties.

"As part of the governing coalition, we still fully support the president's decision. And also remind us if there are things that are not by or against the aspirations of the public", said Baidowi, Tuesday, March 2.

"Because a good friend does not always have to agree, but can remind if there are things that are deemed unnecessary", he continued.

Awiek said that PPP was not anti-investment at all. However, the party bearing the Kaaba's emblem supports constructive investment, not a destructive investment.

Awiek suggested that ministers and people in the presidential circle should always be careful in providing input or drafting decisions.

"Listen more to related parties so that their policies can be well accepted because they are based on public aspirations", he said.

President Joko Widodo revoked Presidential Regulation (Perpres) Number 10 of 2021 concerning the Investment Business Sector which was signed on February 2.

"After receiving input from the Ulama, MUI, NU, Muhammadiyah and community organizations (mass organizations) and other religious figures, I convey the attachment to the Perpres for the opening of new investment in the alcoholic beverage industry, I declare it is revoked", Jokowi said at a press conference, Tuesday, March 2.